English is both an essential subject in its own right and the means of access to wider learning. Therefore, the purpose of English at St. Aidan’s Primary School is to develop an ability to: read fluently, write precisely, comprehend analytically and to begin a lifelong, individual relationship with language. All children are challenged and encouraged to excel across all areas of English. At St. Aidan’s, we use a progressive, text based approach which provides an ambitious, experience and language rich, connected curriculum; accessible to all pupils in school from EYFS to Year 6. We introduce new concepts through high quality texts, modelled examples and varied structures, incrementally building on prior knowledge and enabling all children to access experiential learning when developing knowledge and understanding. Decoding, reading for meaning, handwriting, spelling and grammar skills are practised regularly to ensure key concepts and skills are embedded and children can recall this information confidently. Ultimately, we want pupils to become fluent in the fundamentals of English, to be able to read and write effectively and creatively. Our approach to English embraces the National Curriculum aims, and provides guidance to help pupils to become:
Talkers – building from a strong foundation of spoken language, developed through play, shared reading and a language rich environment, pupils can frame and articulate their thinking precisely and reflectively.
Readers – beginning with a repertoire of core texts, the conventions of reading and rigorous phonic knowledge pupils move from dependence to independence to co-ordinate the use of phonic, semantic and syntactic cues across a broad, varied and exciting range of increasingly complex texts.
Writers – exploration of a wide range of texts will enable pupils to become increasingly aware of purpose, form, voice, written language structures and conventions promoting multi-dimensional progress in transcription, composition, spelling and grammar.
At St. Aidan’s reading, writing and communication are central to our curriculum. Literacy lessons at St Aidan’s are the cornerstone of the entire curriculum. It is embedded within all our lessons and we will strive for a high level of English for all. Through using high-quality texts, immersing children in vocabulary rich learning environments and ensuring new curriculum expectations and the progression of skills are met, the children at will be exposed to a language heavy, creative and continuous English curriculum which will not only enable them to become primary literate but will also develop a love of reading, creative writing and purposeful speaking and listening.
- An understanding of phonics starts in Nursery where the children follow the Monster Phonics Scheme, ‘Foundations in Nursery.’
- Monster Phonics are taught in Reception and Key Stage 1. Learning is tracked and monitored to ensure all children make good progress.
- Monster Phonics reading books are used alongside Oxford Reading Tree.
- Children have regular reading time with their class teacher or teaching assistant in a guided reading format on a weekly basis.
- Class texts are discussed at length and in depth as a stimulus for writing and to deepen and enrich children’s vocabulary.
- In order to generate a love of reading for pleasure in our children each class shares a class reader at the end of the day which is read aloud by an adult.
‘The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.’
Dr. Seuss
- Our intention for children to become fluent writers forms the cornerstone of out curriculum.
- From beginning the EYFS children are given access to writing materials in every aspect of their learning and play to encourage early writing.
- Fine motor activities and interventions are planned to encourage good pencil control with activities such as Dough Disco and Finger Gym used regularly.
- Hand writing and letter formation are of fundamental importance in the development of early writing with provision planned to promote mark making and accurate letter formation from an early age.
- Children across the key stages have handwriting time built into the curriculum to ensure high standards of presentation in all areas of their studies.
‘You can make anything by writing.’
C.S Lewis
- As a staff team we ensure that progression is clear in the curriculum we deliver. We have created a bespoke Writing Process, which delivers a programme, embracing a range of genres which develops writing skills.
- Application of skills taught are celebrated through a final extended piece of writing in each unit. They create a clear picture of attainment of individuals, cohorts and groups. This rigorous process is vital in informing planning to support our learner’s needs.
- To ensure accuracy in our judgements, writing moderation is a vital part of the CPD provided for staff. We regularly meet as a team and within our cluster schools partnership to look at writing in depth. This process is vital in ensuring accurate assessment and progression in the curriculum delivered to children.
- Core English skills are taught daily.
- English recap sessions are used to revisit previous learning and ensure skills are embedded before moving onto their next lesson.
- Lessons are sequenced and aligned to the whole school genre progression document to ensure coverage and development of English topics.
- Lessons use an explore, model, apply, refine approach to guide children through their understanding of reading and writing processes and include direct teaching of vocabulary, phrasing and written structures.
- Scaffolding is adapted to suit the needs of learners.
- Links are made with other subjects across our curriculum.
- Homework is set to develop and review children's learning.
In addition to achieving a strong data, we also believe our intention within our curriculum is achieved through the enjoyment and engagement of our children. Lesson observations, book scrutinites and pupil voice reviews indicate that children enjoy this core subject and are developing a love for reading and writing throughout their time in school.
Reading is like breathing in,
writing is like breathing out.’
-Pam Allyn